Privacy Policy

1) Introduction

Barra, Barros e Roxo Attorneys presents its website privacy notice aimed to those who access the website, with the intent to clarify issues related to their personal data treatment while browsing its website.

We value your privacy and the protection of all your data – this is one of the core on our corporate culture and its ruled by transparency, trust and integrity when treating your personal data.


2) Initial Statement

Aiming to keep our notice accessible and easy to understand, we want to introduce the following concepts:

a) “Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais” – LGPD: the Brazilian Data Protection Regulation – LGPD, nº709, August 14th 2018, regulates personal data treatment, both on physical and digital media, by both natural person or legal entity governed by public or private law, in order to protect fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and free development of the person/legal entity personality. The law entered into force in Brazil at September 18th, 2020.

b) Personal Data: is any type of information that directly or indirectly identifies a person, e.g: name, identification number, geolocation data

c) Sensible Personal Data: personal data identifying racial or ethnical origins; religious beliefs; political opinion; filiation to unions or religious, philosophical or political organizations; data relating to health or sexual life; genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person

d) Data Controller: Natural person or legal entity, under private or public law, responsible for decisions regarding processing of personal data – e.g the law office is the controller of its client’s personal data

e) Data Processor: Natural person or legal entity, under private or public law, that processes all data on behalf of the Controller – e.g when the law office sends personal data to its accountant, so he can emit an invoice, the accountant is the Data Processor

f) Data Subject: Identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly from the personal data being processed – e.g our individual clients, for example, are the Data Subject

g) Personal Data Processing: All operations that might occur with personal data, such as the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of the data, modification, communication, transfers, dissemination or extraction

h) National Data Protection Authority (ANPD): is the legal entity responsible for overseeing, implementing and supervising compliancy of this Law throughout the national territory

i) Sharing Personal Data: Communication, dissemination, international transfer, interconnection of personal data or shared processing of personal data banks.

Being made these initial clarifications, we’ll now proceed to describe how the personal data processing is carried out on our website.


3) What kind of personal data do we collect and why do we collect them?

The Law office only collects necessary and adequate data to meet the purposes of processing the personal data, respecting personal data minimization.

Personal data collection is always made within what is allowed by law nº 13.709.

On our website we only collect the following data: name and email, supplied directly by yourself in order to receive our newsletter -this is the only purpose of the collected data.

In case you don’t supply your name and email you won’t receive our newsletter – there will be no effect while browsing our website.

Our website collects cookies – we explain the types of cookies and their functions/functionalities on our Cookie Notice.

Regarding the cookies, we utilize Google Analytics: all data available is about how you interact with our tools. They are supplies by your browser or device, as well as through cookies and other related resources.

The data are only used as statistics and always with the aim of better understanding our clients’ interests and needs.

If you want to obtain further information regarding Google Analytics privacy policy, please access the website

4) How do we collect sensitive personal data? And children and teenager’s data?

We do not collect sensitive data or children and teenager’s data on our website. Our website content is not targeted to minors.

5) How long will we store your personal data?

We will only store your data on our data base for the period strictly necessary and whiting the legal circumstances.

6) Which security measures we adopt to protect your personal data?

We do not carry out automated processing of personal data and adopt technical and organizational measures, depicted on our “Data Security Policy”.

If you like to have access to the document, please email us at

7) With whom do we share your personal data?

All data collected on our website will only be shared to meet the (aforementioned) purposes, therefore, with the website hosting company: “LocaWeb” and our email host: “MailChimp”.

We utilize Google Analytics, as clarified on the third point of our notice.

Our marketing agency, Leega Marketing, has access to the data, bearing in mind they manage our website and emailing.

8) What are the holder’s rights and how do we fulfill these rights?

The personal data holder has the right to access the data, correction of any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data, anonymization, block or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or processed data not according to the law, data portability, deletion of all processed data, revocation of consent, between other rights you can find in article 18 of GDPR:

You can exercise all your right by contacting us at

9) How can you contact us?

In case you want/need any clarifying regarding our Privacy Notice or any other subject related to privacy and data protection at Barra, Barros e Roxo Advogados, you can contact us at

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