Practice areas

Gilberto Mesquita. Museu Afro Brasileiro, Parque Ibirapuera, SP.


Our team is formed by attorneys with extensive experience and profound specialization. We value the human factor as our greatest asset. Our team is committed to high quality work and to deliver more value than our clients expect.

Meet our professionals
Gilberto Mesquita. Museu Afro Brasileiro, Parque Ibirapuera, SP.


Barra, Barros e Roxo Advogados is a member of the international network of offices Hérès Avocats, which is centralized in Paris and has a presence in 10 other locations, on 3 different continents. Founded to serve French clients in their international development and projects in France, today it serves a wide range of international companies in its representations.

The Hérès network is made up of a multidisciplinary team to serve the most diverse international operations. Furthermore, it allows for greater synergy with the European Union, which has been an important leader in international trade, regulation of ESG factors, investments in Brazilian infrastructure and digital law.


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