
European Parliament Approves Artificial Intelligence Regulation

The AI Act, legislation that regulates Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in the European Union (“EU”), was published on the 13th of this month, with a significant approval of 523 votes, out of a total of 618.

This is a relevant milestone for the technology market, the first relevant initiative to regulate the tool and an attempt by the European Parliament to bring legal certainty to the innovation and evolution of AI systems.

Some important points:

i. Suppliers of AI systems, those who implement or import them, are subject to the rule, as long as such systems have an impact on people or institutions located in the EU.

ii. Determines clear guidelines regarding responsibility and accountability for the actions and decisions of AI systems.

iii. It aims to ensure safety, ethical use and transparency, making AI systems traceable, non-discriminatory and respectful of current legislation.

iv. Supports innovation by ensuring legal certainty to facilitate investment and innovation in AI.

v. Defines technical and technological terms that can be applied to current and future systems.

vi. Regulates risk levels: Unacceptable Risk, prohibited because they pose threats to people; High Risk, determined according to specific product and materials, which must be registered in an EU database.

vii. Defends the protection of personal data, in alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR.

viii. After internal procedures and endorsement by the European Council, the standard is expected to come into force this semester.

The IA Act is already a reference for the Brazilian market, which has not yet regulated the matter, with several bills in progress. Despite not being directly subject to the rule, Brazilian companies can seek compliant positions, whether to increase consumer confidence and credibility in their products; whether in the incorporation of good practices, which open doors to the European market.

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